Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Relationship of the Heart - My Present Journey - part 1

The one word that keeps coming to me lately is BELIEVE; acutally it has been there for most of my life but has become very prevalant lately. To understand and appreciate the journey I am on today you probably need a little history.

I was born to a Southern Baptist family and raised in the church. The first Bible verse I ever memorized was of course John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life." At the age of 12 I accepted Christ as my Savior and was baptized because I believed that there was a God, that Jesus was His Son, and that He had died on the cross to save us from our sins. I also believed that George Washington was the first president of the United States and many other such facts. To summarize, I went through most of my life with a "head knowledge" just trying to be the best person I could be and to do or not do the things I thought or was taught I should or shouldn't do. I knew there was more, there had to be more to being a Child of God than this and when I would ponder my situation I always felt like it had something to do with that word believe. Strangely enough I never doubted my salvation after all I believed, still I knew something was missing in my spiritual life. Others talked of walking with Him and talking with Him and while there were times I could look back on and so obviously see His hand on my life I knew I was not walking and talking with Him the way "they" were.

I have long suffered from a very low sense of self-esteem. I became a "pleaser" because I thought that if I just gave enough of myself, just did enough for others then they would give back to me; that they would love me and appreciate me for who I was- so not true! I believed that Christ died on the cross to save "us" from our sins but to be honest I did not believe that Christ died for ME - no, He died for the world, for us, and I just happened to be part of that group. My relationship with Him was not personal, nor was it a relationship of the heart. I wanted more, knew there had to be more. I prayed for God to give me more, had my church pray for me on more than one occassion and when I didn't feel like I received anything or had no evidence of it such as speaking in tongues it just increased my sense of not being "good enough" for Him. Then I would go through another phase of just riding the waves, living life to the best of my ability, and not expecting anymore from Him because I didn't believe I could ever be good enough to have more. I couldn't do whatever it was He wanted me to do or that I needed to do to have that personal relationship that I read about, others talked about, and I so deeply yearned for.


Anonymous said...

Hey Lex,
I am enjoying reading your blog. It's nice to be able to know what's going on in peoples lives... I'd do one but not much to talk about. Anyways, I just wanted to say that I think most of us don't feel "good enough" to have more from God. But we just have to remember to listen and be still. He will come to us when we least expect it. God is awesome and no matter what you think HE thinks your perfect just the way you are!! Keep up the blog!!
Love you!

Amber said...

It's amazing to see where you are in your life, and the progress that you are making. I'm loving it!
I can see where God is leading you and the issues that you have been struggling with your entire life are now beginning to be healed and sanctified. Keep BELIEVING, and letting God!
So proud to be walking this journey with you!
Your (favorite) daughter :)