Monday, January 5, 2009

Goals for 2009

Yes, I know the year has just barely begun and I am already running behind - but I will not give up!! After reading Amber's blog (Humble Reflections) I thought the idea of goals for the upcoming year versus resolutions was great so I made a list of my own and thought I would share them with you.
-increase the length of my quiet time and studying God's word each day.
-tithe on a more consistent basis
-begin exercising
-spend more time doing the things I like (scrapbooking, crafts, reading)
-paint and redecorate my bedroom
-continue to clean out and orgainize the "stuff" in my home
-set up a household cleaning schedule
-blog at least once a week
-read more books that will help me to grow spiritually
-find a church home and become involved
-spend more time in the yard with Luke this summer
-have "date nights" with Luke at least once a month
-finish school and begin working as a medical transcriptionist
-spend more time listing things on EBay
-keep up with receipts and tax info each month so it is not such a chore at the end of the year.
-be more of a help to my mom, step-dad and brother; spend more "fun" time with mom
-give blood at least twice this year
-keep a journal of family events and daily happenings
-finish Treyton's "grandparent" book
-keep in touch with old friends and my brother in Florida on a more regular basis
-make some new christian friends
-spend more time just enjoying being with my grandchildren
-seriously work on becoming financially free
-have all my pictures orgainized by the end of the year
Well, that's it - seems awful ambitious now that I have listed it all but hopefully if I just keep working at it I will be able to acommplish it all!


Anonymous said...

You totally can do it. I am with you on the date nights and organizing pictures as well.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Alexis,

Wow, quite a list of goals you have for yourself. Being sort of an expert on goals, that is one of my job at work, helping people with goal setting, I have some advice for you. When you make goals for yourself make sure they are achievable and measurable. Track your progress. Look at your list of goals everyday, put the list somewhere where you will see it every day. I set my list next to the coffee pot because that's the first place I go in the morning when I get up. I read over my goals and decide right then and there what I will work on for that day. Also, break down your goals into those that can be accomplished quickly, say in a week or less, then those that may take a month or less, and so on. A goal that will take all year is not a good idea, it's better to break it down into shorter terms, and then reapply it later on if necessary. For instance, you want to do a date night with Luke, set that goal for the next three months, make a strong effort to make it happen, go to the coffee pot in the morning, look at your list and say "ok today I'm going to set up a date with Luke this week", talk to Luke when you bring him his coffee and decide on a night and make sure it happens. After a few months of doing this, it will become part of your routine and you can remove it from your goals. In other words it becomes natural and you don't really have to work at it anymore. If you miss a date night one month, put it back on your list of goals for the next month. I hope this helps.

Your Friend Forever,

January 7, 2009 9:58 AM

Tammy said...

Hi Alexis! You won the prize for my HOTM drawing but there was no email address listed for me to contact you. If you are still interested, please email me at with you mailing info :-)


Tammy ~@~
Garden Glimpses

Amber said...

this is a tester comment -I LOVE YOU MOM!