Sunday, July 19, 2009

Virginia Beach

After fighting traffic and then taking the long way around we finally reached Virginia Beach about 6 hours after we left home!! Even though we got there much later than we had wanted to the weather was great and we had a blast!!
The three girls getting used to the water. At this point Shayla was not so sure she like the ocean even though she has been wanting to go since her Mom and Dad went to Hawaii in February and sent her pictures. She did finally warm up to it and eventually starting chasing the waves as they would ebb but I think she liked the wave pools and sand much better!!
It was on the "bucket list" - to build a sandcastle with my grandkids as I never got to do it with my kids when they were little but Autumn had as much fun as Shayla and Mitchell is a great building engineer!!


Shayla beginning to warm-up to the waves!

Our sand castle attracted a crowd!! This is the finished project just before Mitchell let the water in the moat - you might not can tell from the pic but there is even a bridge over the moat!!!

Burying Uncle Mitchell in the sand!! Hey it was his idea!!!

Well guys, I gotta get to bed as we are off to DC again tomorrow. Hopefully, more updates then.


Amber said...

Super cute suit... is that new?
It looks nice - love it!

Looks like you had a lot of fun... have you headed out to Timm's yet?
Isn't it just a jammed packed adventure there!?! I mean besides the traffic - like I said when we went "I've never seen anything like the traffic there" - UNBELIEVABLY frustrating...

I'm so glad you guys are able to get up and out so much.

Ashley Skye said...

Oh my goodness looks like you guys had fun! Like Amber said the traffic is awful but once you get there it seems worth it - more details more details